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If you’re gearing up for your very first skydiving adventure, you probably have a few concerns about how safe it is to freefall. That might be why you stumbled upon this article on skydiving statistics, after Googling things like “how many people die while skydiving” or “how often parachutes fail.” 

In this article, we want to show you the real numbers to calm your fears! You’ll probably be surprised to find skydiving is much safer than you imagined.

Here are four interesting skydiving statistics that every first-time tandem skydiver should know:

We’ve all seen the Instagram-worthy pictures and videos of thrilling skydiving experiences. It’s one of the most fun adventures you’ll ever take, and kids would love to join in.

Youths excitedly beg their parents to let them freefall, and some might even consider letting them. But how old do you have to be to legally skydive?

We’re here to answer all your questions about how old you need to be to take your first freefall.

When it comes to giving memorable gifts, nothing compares to giving a loved one a bucket list experience. Skydiving is one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities usually reserved for a celebration or milestone. Read our guide to skydiving gift certificates.

As you’re planning your first skydive, you’re probably wondering how much time you’ll need to set aside for your big jump.

Taking a “tandem” skydive means that you’ll be strapped to a certified tandem jump instructor when you go up in the plane and jump out. Your jump instructor will be the one literally pulling the ropes so that you can go along for the ride and enjoy the thrill.

How long will your skydiving training take? When it comes time to do it, how long will you be in the airplane before it’s go-time? Once you take the leap, how long will you be in freefall— and how fast will you drop? 

Generally speaking, you can expect a skydive to take 2 - 4 hours from start to finish, beginning when you arrive at a dropzone.

The truth is, the answers to these big questions aren’t always the same. There are a few factors that’ll influence how long your skydive will last

In this post, we’ll break them down to help you plan your first freefall.

As you prepare for your skydive, you probably have some exciting jitters! 

You may be thinking, “should I eat before skydiving?” After all, the last thing you want is nausea when you’re in the air (or falling through it).

Many jumpers are worried about feeling sick or hungry mid-air, so they want to know the right things to eat and drink before boarding the plane. 

In this post, you’ll learn about some of the best foods you can eat before making a skydive — and when you should eat them!

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