CSC Blog

For almost as long as skydiving has been a thing, man’s best friend has been a part of our sport. For many skydivers, their first interaction at the dropzone was with someone's happy fur baby! They are incredible mascots and bonfire companions and practically run the show in some spots! Yet, for all their charm, our furry friends can also pose problems on the field. Just as with jumping, there’s an etiquette that needs to be observed when Fido comes out to play, so let’s take a quick look at the CSC dos and don’ts when it comes to pets.

Tis almost the season… already? Yup, that’s right. It’s almost time to start planning that last minute Halloween costume and carving pumpkins, and next thing you know it’ll be sleigh bells ringing. Along with the kids on Christmas night, those babies that we call our rigs will be lovingly tucked away for at least some, if not all of the winter. Inevitably for many of us, that means that the beginning of next season starts off with dusting off unused skills, recurrency jumps, and paperwork; but thankfully there’s a way around some of that!

Earning your A License is an incredible achievement. It’s one that takes drive, determination and focus, but it’s also a goal you’ve achieved that had someone to help guide your way, answer your questions and tell you what comes next; but what about after the big “A” stamp is on your forehead and you’ve gotten heaps of congratulations? 

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