CSC Blog

If you’re like many, the first time skydiving came up in conversation as something to do; it was after a few rounds with that one friend. At the time, even you had to admit that it sounded like a great idea, but now the sun has come up on a bright new day, and it just sounds… crazy! Fun, of course, but nuts. “It’s dangerous, isn’t it? Parachutes flat-out don’t work sometimes, right? I mean, YouTube!”

For almost as long as skydiving has been a thing, man’s best friend has been a part of our sport. For many skydivers, their first interaction at the dropzone was with someone's happy fur baby! They are incredible mascots and bonfire companions and practically run the show in some spots! Yet, for all their charm, our furry friends can also pose problems on the field. Just as with jumping, there’s an etiquette that needs to be observed when Fido comes out to play, so let’s take a quick look at the CSC dos and don’ts when it comes to pets.

There are many reasons why you might be considering traveling to jump at a new DZ. Perhaps like us, you’re dealing with winter weather in a spot that just isn’t all that conducive to jumping out of an airplane. A nice cool breeze is great, but being able to feel your hands on deployment is always a big plus, right? So perhaps you’ve decided you’re up for a destination kind of experience. Or, maybe you’re searching for new avenues to pursue in the sport and the best coaches have yet to reach your DZ. Regardless of why you’re looking to expand the skies you fly, there are a few things to think about before heading off.

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